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更新时间:2022-10-19 16:51:20
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During every acceleration or braking process of a crane, swaying is excited in the load.

The electronic SIMOCRANE Sway Control Systems ensure that these load oscillations are eliminated so that crane transport can be performed quickly, without danger, and without any damage to the transported goods.

The SIMOCRANE Sway Control System is available in the SIMOCRANE CeSAR standalone or SIMOCRANE SC integrated system using the SIMOTION D Motion Controller and the SIMOCRANE Basic Technology.

Depending on the task to be performed and the environmental conditions, the sway control systems can be implemented with or without SIMOCRANE CenSOR camera measuring systems.西门子触摸屏广州授权代理商

Harbor crane system



For the handling and transport tasks of cranes, the trend is toward an ever higher productivity, safety and quality. This is achieved with an increasing number of automatic functions of which electronic sway control systems represent a large component.西门子触摸屏广州授权代理商

There are many reasons for using electronic sway control, such as:

  • To increase the productivity of the crane system

  • To reduce damage

  • To prevent accidents

  • To simplify the crane structure

  • To implement total/partial automation of the crane system

  • To extend the service life of crane systems

  • Continuous load damping no longer depends on subjective factors

  • Simplified operation for crane drivers regardless of their experience

  • To relieve crane drivers


The sway control system is for new cranes, but it can also be applied for modernizing existing cranes.

SIMOCRANE CeSAR Sway Control Systems can also be used in cranes in which drive technology and higher‑level controllers from other manufacturers are used.

The preconditions for the use of SIMOCRANE Sway Control Systems are a crane controller as well as continuously controllable drives. In all cranes, encoders are required for the hoisting gear and for the axes to be positioned if automatic positioning is used. SIMOCRANE CenSOR camera measuring systems can assist the sway control system to work perfectly in case of external disturbance like wind or initial sway.

SIMOCRANE Sway Control Systems are suitable for the following crane types:

  • Overhead bridge cranes (OHBC)

  • Rubber tired gantry (RTG) cranes

  • Rail mounted gantry (RMG) cranes

  • Container (STS – ship to shore) cranes

  • Grab/Ship unloader (GSU) cranes


Five different SIMOCRANE Sway Control Systems with varying functionality are available to meet the requirements of different applications. All high‑performance systems can be expanded by the camera measuring system. The camera measuring system comprises a camera and a reflector. The camera system can compensate for disturbances caused by external factors, e.g. wind, or sway caused by load lift at an inclined angle.


SC integrated

CeSAR standalone

SC integrated
OHBC, Gantry crane

CeSAR standalone
OHBC, Gantry Crane

Drive‑Based Sway Control

Crane type


OHBC, Gantry Crane

Operating modes

  • Manual mode (MAN)



  • Manual mode
    with Soft Approach (MAN)


  • Positioning (POS)

  • Sway neutralization (SNL/SND)

  • Trim, list and skew control (TLS)

  • Skew damping

✓ 3)

  • Semi‑automatic mode (SAM)

Axis control


Trolley/gantry and either hoist or slewing gear

Trolley or gantry

Hardware platform




Camera measuring system

  • Camera



  • Reflector type 2)



– Not possible西门子触摸屏广州授权代理商

✓ Included in the scope of delivery

1) Hardware not included in scope of delivery. For more information about the scope of delivery, see section "SIMOCRANE Basic Technology".

2) Separately available accessories.

3) For slewing gear.

SIMOCRANE SC integrated Sway Control System

The SIMOCRANE SC integrated sway control system is a software solution that is used on the central SIMOTION D motion controller. The system is currently available in the following variants:

  • Overhead bridge cranes/gantry cranes
    (application in three axes in direction of trolley, long travel and rotation/hoist)

  • Container cranes STS/grab cranes GSU
    (application in two axes in trolley and hoist directions)

SIMOCRANE CeSAR standalone Sway Control System

The SIMOCRANE CeSAR standalone Sway Control System is an autonomous system that can be used in any controller landscape. The system has the same functional scope as the integrated solution:

SIMOCRANE Drive‑Based Sway Control西门子触摸屏广州授权代理商

SIMOCRANE Drive‑Based Sway Control is a drive‑based solution for mid‑range crane applications based on SINAMICS for harbor and industry cranes. The system is not possible to be used together with the SIMOCRANE CenSOR camera measuring system.

SIMOCRANE CenSOR camera measuring system

The SIMOCRANE CenSOR camera measuring system can be used with the SIMOCRANE Sway Control Systems for high performance, depending on the task to be performed and the environmental conditions.



SIMOCRANE Sway Control System

The SIMOCRANE Sway Control System is based on calculations of a mathematical oscillation model. When a camera is used, the parameters hoisting height, swing angle and skew angle are determined by means of optical contact-free measurement and are incorporated in the calculation model. If the measuring signal of the camera fails, only the states of the oscillation model are used.西门子触摸屏广州授权代理商

Damping of the load sway is performed by influencing the traversing speed for each axis individually. When using the positioning mode, the defined target positions are automatically approached with sway control after enabling. The axis is controlled in such a way that the load sway is eliminated not only when the maximum speed is reached, but also at the target position. All sway resulting from the travel motion is largely eliminated. If a camera is also used, swaying resulting from external forces – such as inclined lift or wind – can be almost completely compensated.

Operating modes西门子触摸屏广州授权代理商

The following operating modes and functions are available for the general and automation application areas:

  • Manual mode (MAN)

  • Manual mode (MAN) with Soft Approach

  • Positioning (POS)

  • Sway neutralization

    • Load position (SNL1))

    • Trolley position (SND2))

  • Trim, list and skew control (TLS)

  • Skew damping

  • Semi‑automatic mode (SAM)

1) SNL: Sway neutralization load position

2) SND: Sway neutralization trolley position西门子触摸屏广州授权代理商

The operating mode is selected (depending on the functional scope) by the PLC by setting the appropriate control bit.

Manual mode (MAN)西门子触摸屏广州授权代理商

In the manual mode, the speed is specified manually from a higher-level controller. The trolley is accelerated or decelerated to the set speed in such a way that the load sway has been eliminated when the set speed is reached.

Sway control is active in manual mode either throughout the complete traverse, or only during at stop.

A new function Soft Approach is added to the manual mode to assist crane drivers for approaching softly the target position with minimal risk of collision. This function can be well applied for smart slow‑down of a trolley and for soft landing of a hoist.

Positioning (POS)

In the positioning mode, the higher-level controller or the internal encoder can specify a target position for each individual axis. This position is approached automatically after enabling. The axes are controlled in such a way that the load sway is eliminated not only when the maximum speed is reached, but also at the target position. The direct path between the current position and the target position must be free of obstacles.

Sway neutralization (SNL/SND)

The sway neutralization mode (only for the version with camera) is used to eliminate swaying movements of the load from standstill.

Sway neutralization is linked to a positioning function. The target position is either the current trolley position (SND) or the load position (SNL) at the time the sway neutralization is activated.西门子触摸屏广州授权代理商

Sway neutralization results in slight travel movements to both sides of the target position.

The position of the load is acquired by the camera measuring system.

Trim, list and skew control (TLS control)

TLS control controls the trim, list and skew positions of a spreader.




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